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Arhiv predavanj

Patterns & Practices: Designing Applications for Scale – Leveraging the Windows Azure Platform (Part I)

The cloud offers unique opportunities that were once available only for big companies: geo-distributed datacenters, virtually infinite amount of resources and elastic resource provisioning. How to take advantage of these features? What are the design patterns that are required to leverage these capabilities in the most efficient way? Using a practical approach, with concrete examples, we’ll explore Windows Azure and common design patterns to make the most of this new platform

Scott Densmore


Scott Densmore je v podjetju Microsoft višji inženir za razvoj programske opreme. Osredotoča se na računalništvo v oblaku in mobilne naprave. Že več kot 15 let piše programsko kodo in ustvarja vsebine, povezane s tehnologijo. Njegova spletna stran je na naslovu http://scottdensmore.typepad.com/, na družabnem omrežju Twitter pa ga lahko najdete pod uporabniškim imenom @scottdensmore