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Arhiv predavanj

New Data Types in Excel - Game Changer

Usually, new functions of commands that come to Excel are more-or-less perks that change how end-users do their job. With the New Data Types in Excel, Organizations should be paying attention as it is a feature in Excel that should change the way companies share Data with their employees. The way the New Data Types bring the whole Microsoft ecosystem together is unlike anything we've seen before, and this session should give you an overview of just how profoundly the Microsoft Data world has changed with the introduction of the New Data Types.

Gašper Kamenšek

Excel Olympics

Sem BI navdušenec, ljubitelj Excela ter Power BI sveta ter MVP za Excel. Svojo navdušenost in znanje delim preko podjetja Excel Olympics v obliki tečajev, projektov ter predavanj na konferencah po vsem svetu. Moja pot do večne sreče v profesionalnem svetu je vsako leto deliti znanje Excela s skoraj 500 tečajniki ter poslušalci in jim pokazati, kako z Excelom ter Power BI-jem postati produktivni preko njihovih pričakovanj.